Muscles provide movement because they can tighten and relax. They are made up of cells, which together form fibers, which lie like bundles in a muscle. Muscle cells are ingenious things, with a kind of ‘fuel factory’, for converting energy.

There are various disorders that have an effect on muscle cells, such as metabolic diseases. Tying-up, also referred to as ‘Monday sickness’, occurs when a horse is fed with energy-rich food, but then gets a day off, causing a reaction in the muscle cells that damage it.


If a horse has muscular problems, is inexplicably stiff, or good training doesn’t give the normal muscular build-up, thorough examination is required.

To examine the muscles blood tests and muscle biopsy can be performed. The blood can be used to check whether muscle damage has occurred and the recovery of this can be monitored. In some cases a biopsy is necessary. With a needle a small piece of muscle is taken for further investigation.

The horse’s nutrition plays an important part in the development of muscle disorders. That is why the diet is always examined in this case.

Muscle biopsy


Make an appointment

If you suspect your horse to suffer from a muscle disorder, contact using the form below. Examination can take place at the clinic or at home throughout the Netherlands.


    What is the gender of your horse?

    The horse


    Desired location of the study

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