Gastric ulcers in horses

Research has shown that more horses than expected suffer from gastric ulcers. That has an effect on their performance. If a horse cannot chew enough on fiber-rich roughage, too little saliva is produced. This is necessary for reducing the acidity in the stomach. Stress has an effect on the development of stomach ulcers. For sport horses traveling to competitions and staying in a strange environment enhances stress.

An overview of the symptoms and the risk factors:




It is impossible to see from the outside if a horse has gastric ulcers. This can only be done with a gastroscopy, a small camera at the end of a long hose that goes into the stomach. This examination can be done at home in the stable.

Gastroscopy is the only reliable method for identifying gastric ulcers in horses. The entire stomach, including pylorus and the proximal duodenum, should be included in the study, as lesions in these regions can easily be missed.

Make an appointment

If you suspect your horse to suffer from gastric ulcers, contact using the form below. Examination can take place at the clinic or at home throughout the Netherlands.


    What is the gender of your horse?

    The horse


    Desired location of the study

    How is the horse housed?

    On which bed is the horse housed?

    What does the horse get as roughage?

    Slim downPoor appetiteDecreased performanceGrinding the teethRecurring ColicPain when connectingBehavior change

    Has treatment been administered to the horse?

    I agree with the general terms and conditions and the privacy policy of



    If gastric ulcers are found, treatment can be prescribed. The sort of treatment and the duration depends on the severity and location of the ulcers. They are usually easy to treat. However, the treatment will also include changes to the management, to prevent the ulcers from recurring.

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