Repair L


The supplementary feed provides optimal support to the joints, tendons and ligaments of sport horses, which are heavily loaded during training, for example.

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Repair L

Prequine Repair L contains sodium hyaluronate that helps to optimally support the joints of sport horses during strenuous activities.
Sodium Hyaluronate supports the development and repair of joints, tendons and ligaments.

INDICATIONS ▸ It supports the construction and recovery of joints, tendons and ligaments
▸ helps to optimally support the joints of sport horses during strenuous activities.

▸ Ascorbic acid
▸ Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
▸ Propylene glycol
▸ Hyaluronic acid
▸ Sodium
▸ Phosphorus
▸ Calcium

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Shake well before use. Administer directly into the mouth or mix into food.
▸ Horses: 2 x 50 ml per day.
▸ Ponies and foals: 2 x 25 ml per day.
PACKAGING ▸ Bottle of 1L.



Additional information


1 L





Doping status

Doping free


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